Celebrating Excellence in Marine Imagery
Teledyne is thrilled to announce the 2023 Marine Photo and Data Contest winners. With an overwhelming response from participants around the world, this year's competition showcased the incredible talent and dedication of marine professionals and enthusiasts.
The Teledyne Marine Photo and Data Contest received an abundance of remarkable entries across five distinct categories, highlighting the diverse and dynamic world of marine exploration, innovation, and challenges.
Selecting the winners from a pool of extraordinary entries was daunting, as the quality and creativity on display were exceptional. The Teledyne judging panel was deeply impressed by all participants' dedication, ingenuity, and artistry.
Without further ado, we are pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 Teledyne Marine Photo and Data Contest:
Grand Prize (Voters Choice Award)
In the culmination of the contest, the Grand Prize was awarded to the best image chosen from the ten most-voted images. This award celebrated the top visual masterpiece that resonated most with the global audience.
RiverPro ADCP Measuring discharge in Pabbar river
Equipment: Teledyne RDI RiverPro ADCP
Location: Himachal Pradesh, India
By: Vikas Rawat, Pan India Consultants Pvt. Ltd

The jury said: "Choosing from the ten most voted images wasn't easy, but we ended up selecting this almost classical composition. Vikas Rawat shows us the Riverpro ADCP in the foreground, contrasted by the mountains of Rawat Himachal in the background."
Best Data
Participants shared awe-inspiring images showcasing multibeam, single beam, sonar, or ADCP data collected using Teledyne Marine gear. The incredible visuals were a testament to the power of advanced marine technology.
Ultra High Resolution Beam Sounding. Result DTM Bathymetry with Teledyne Reson T-50P sonar simultaneously collected depth soundings & snippets data which produced seabed morphology and backscatter model.
Equipment: Teledyne RESON SeaBat T50-P Multibeam Echosunder and Teledyne PDS Software
Data collected: Urubamba river, Cusco, Peru, January 2022
By: Antonio Lucarelli, Drafinsub Survey Srl
The Jury said; ” This data demonstrates how it is possible to collect great bathymetry and backscatter. ”
Adversity Award
This category recognized the perseverance of contestants during their toughest field days—battling the elements, working in extreme conditions, and overcoming challenges that push the boundaries of marine science and exploration.
Together with a team of 3 we pulled ourselfs through the ''Bocht van Bath'' mudflaps to place 10 Teledyne 1200kHz ADCP's to measure the tide.
Equipment: Teledyne RDI 1200kHz ADCP
Location: Zeeland, Netherlands, Bocht van Bath, 08-06-2023
By: Djoey van Raaijen, Aqua Vision
The jury said, "Standing in mud up to your stomach isn’t necessarily a lot of fun, but together with your ADCP, you will get through it. Djoey van Raaijen’s image from Zeeland in Holland is a well-deserved winner of the Adversity Award."
Moment of Zen Award
Celebrating the tranquil moments and small achievements in the world of marine exploration, this category featured photos of Teledyne products and contestants and their teams working in beautiful locations, enjoying peaceful interludes amidst the action.
Glassy morning deployment of a Slocum G2 with CTD, Eco Puck, optode, and LISST.
Equipment: Teledyne Webb Research Slocum Glider
Location: Lake Tahoe, California, USA Spring 2023
By: Kenny Larrieu, UC Davis
The jury said, "If you could get a free ride on a Slocum Glider, you would probably see more beauty than most people. Kenny Larrieu’s image from Lake Tahoe in California gives a sneak peek into that world and shows us a great moment of Zen."
Down Under Award
Participants shared captivating underwater photos, either showcasing Teledyne Marine products in action beneath the surface or stunning images taken with Teledyne Bowtech cameras, offering a unique glimpse into the mysteries of the deep.
Deploying a Workhorse Sentinel by diver up to 40m depth, in the external reef slope of Tahiti.
Equipment: Teledyne RDI Workhorse Sentinel
Location: Tahiti - French Polynesia, July 2023
The jury said, "Deploying a Sentinel Workhorse to its resting place in the big blue just makes for a very nice subsea setting. Fany Seguin’s image from Tahiti takes the Down Under Award."