Episode 20: Collecting Data for a Stage Capacity table at Boedecker Reservoir


In this fall series of podcasts, we introduce some of the winners and general entrants from the 2020 Teledyne Marine Photo Contest. Teledyne's annual Photo/ Data Contest concluded with over 80 qualified submissions that helped the company donate over $1200 to Save the Children as part of a charitable giving campaign. 

In this episode, we talk to Matt Nichols, President and owner of Survey Systems in Evergreen, Colorado. Survey Systems is a service-disabled, veteran-owned small business that does geodetic and hydrographic surveying work for a variety of customers. Matt has been working the hydrographic side of surveying for the past 15 years, and he previously joined host Melissa Rossi for Episode 16 of Marine Tech Talk.

To learn more about Survey Systems and the work Matt and his team are doing, check out the company's LinkedIn page or its YouTube account.

​Matt Nichols, President, Survey Systems​​​​