If you are looking for a reliable, accurate, and surveyor-tested remote survey system then the Oceanscience Z-Boats are the only choice. With echosounders selected specifically for use on a remote vessel, the Z-Boat 1800 can be configured to suit every survey challenge and budget. The Tritech StarFish side scan brings crystal clear bottom imagery to the Z-Boat 1800 system.

Designed for Surveying

The Oceanscience Z-Boats are designed with the surveyor in mind. The hull shape, propulsion, radio communication, and sonar instrumentation combine to offer an easy to use and powerful option for the hydrographic surveyor or land surveyor wishing to complete inshore hydrographic work. The Z-Boat offers unmatched convenience for jobs where access to the survey area is poor, or conditions are unsafe.

Remotely Controlled Instrument Platforms: 

Q-Boats Oceanscience is the leading manufacturer of remotely controlled instrumentation boats. For the past decade, Oceanscience remote boats have deployed a wide variety of acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs), water quality monitoring instruments, and echo sounders in lakes, rivers, and coastal environments. GPS and radio modems for data transmission are available to provide a turnkey remote environmental monitoring package. Ready for autonomous control, the Q-Boat is the ultimate survey tool.

Maximize Personnel Safety and Productivity: 

​Our remote control Q-Boats for ADCP deployment during river velocity profiling and discharge monitoring offer the ultimate in survey flexibility and personnel safety. No busy highway bridge is needed at the survey location, no people need to be out on dangerous flood waters to take the measurement, and no cableway is necessary. Instead of being determined by accessibility, Q-Boat survey locations can be selected to give the best results possible. Configurations for multiple ADCP types are available, and all boats are easily customized for special projects.​
