Teledyne Marine, a global leader in subsea technologies has launched a new podcast. Marine Tech Talk is a podcast about Teledyne Marine's technologies that are enabling discovery and efficient and safe work practices in our oceans and inland waterways. Marine Tech Talk features customers and their quest for knowledge, more efficient work environments, safety, environmental conservation, and more. From following North Atlantic Right Whales in the Gulf of St Lawrence, to advocating and designing a new fishing method that can prevent accidental whale entanglements and mortality, our guests span industries and the globe. Meet commercial fishermen turned advocates, marine construction service providers, and researchers and technicians from prestigious universities and government agencies that are all using Teledyne Marine's technologies to solve some of the toughest challenges on the planet.
The new podcast will launch with three exciting guest interviews including Captain Richard Riels the Executive Director of SMELTS and the work he is doing to develop a marine mammal friendly lobster trap, Jude Van der Meer from Dalhousie University's CEOTR group and their whale monitoring efforts with autonomous gliders, and Dr. George Watters, Director, Antarctic Ecosystem Research Division of NOAA Fisheries and his work monitoring krill in the Antarctic. Marine Tech Talk will feature two new episodes each month. The podcast page can be found on the Teledyne Marine website at www.teledynemarine.com/marinetechtalk.
“Podcasts are a great way to bring our customers' research and work efforts to the public. No one can tell these stories like our customers, and they all have amazing stories to tell. Our listeners should find our podcast episodes both entertaining and informative regardless of whether they work in the marine industry or are just interested in the subject matter," says Melissa Rossi, Marketing Director for Teledyne Marine Vehicles and host of the Marine Tech Talk podcast.
Fans of the podcast can contact Ms. Rossi via email at [email protected] to provide feedback and ideas for the podcast, or to become a guest on the show.
To listen to the podcast, visit the iTunes app, Spotify, Stitcher, or anywhere you get your podcasts.